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Clean-Seas addresses the plastic waste crisis by diverting it from landfills, incineration and the environment and converting it to valuable products. 




Utilizing advanced recycling (Pyrolysis) we can decrease the carbon impact of producing plastic and valorize plastic waste 

Advantage of Pyrolysis:

Pyrolysis enables the conversion of hard to recycle post use plastic (PUP) into chemical precursors used to create new plastic - fueling the circular plastic economy

Plastics are polymers - long chains of molecules.


Can only process a few types of plastics, PET and HDPE, typically types one and two (primarily bottles and packaging). The mechanical recycling process segregates these types of plastics from general waste streams. PET and HDPE can only be mechanically recycled a 2 to 3 times before its quality is too degraded to be used. 


Can process a wide variety of plastics including plastics contaminated with food waste, unlike traditional recycling. Pyrolysis breaks the chemical bonds of the polymers converting them into their original carbon chain.


Pyrolysis breaks down plastic material into its chemical constituents by applying high pressure and high temperature in the absence of oxygen. This process generates plastic pyrolysis oil (PPO), a precursor material that can be used to produce new plastics, fuels, industrial chemicals, and other value-added products. 

Pyrolysis oil produced from PUP can substitute for fossil feedstocks when manufacturing new plastic. Reducing the need for new oil extraction and refining.

"As advanced recycling becomes increasingly efficient, it is poised to play a major role in achieving global sustainability goals by reducing waste and GHG emissions,"

- Argonne Principal Energy Systems Analyst Pahola Thathiana Benavides. 

Per Argonne National Lab Study: When using just 5% pyrolysis oil in plastic manufacturing replacing virgin petroleum products the following reductions are seen :

Unlike conventional recycling, which is largely limited to clean, sorted PET and HDPE plastics, pyrolysis can use nearly any type of plastic as feedstock.


The 91% of plastics that are currently un-recycleable can, through pyrolysis, be removed from the waste stream and turned into useful products. 

Pyrolysis is a proven technology that has been extensively studied. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory released a report in November of 2023 stating that “Producing new plastic by advanced recycling of post-use plastic (PUP), instead of fossil-based production, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and increase the U.S. recycling rate.”

Plastic waste affects every corner of the earth choking waterways and impacting the health of populations worldwide

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